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The best available answer to this is Boot Camp. What's the Best Way to Play Windows Games on a Mac? Of course, the specifications of that hardware is key in terms of performance both for daily tasks but particular for games, so the better system specs the Mac has, the better the virtual machine’s and therefore the guest OS's performance will be greater too. What it does do well, however, is allow you focus on the task and get the job done by squeezing the most out of the installed hardware. Unfortunately, the prefabricated nature of the Mac isn't much help here. Of course, there are ways to optimize the guest OS (in this case, Windows) and its performance, but it's better to build your own computer optimized for gaming. Both of them provide OpenGL 3.0 and DirectX 10 support – which is essential for playing 3D games – but when it comes to processor-intensive games virtualization isn't quite the best solution. The best paid hypervisors available are Parallels Desktop and VMware Fusion. But this convenience has a cost and that is the performance penalty that you pay by using virtual machines. Virtual machines are convenient because users don't need to switch computers to run two or more operating systems simultaneously.

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Play Games on a Mac Using a Virtual Machine Fortunately, there are still ways that you can play your favorite games on your Mac.

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And in this case each new line of Macs have the necessary screen size and processing abilities, but often lacks support for popular big-budget games. Of course, you can always hit up your iOS device to play games but the screen size and computing power is really what matters. There is a good reason why you (or the IT department) opted for a Mac, the only ‘issue’ is that many the best games are developed for the world's most popular operating system: sorry macOS – that's Windows.

Free vm software windows 10